Welcome to the Christian Community Church

Boswell, PA

Sunday Morning Worship

10:30am weekly

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

-Romans 10:9
Welcome to the Christian Community Church

Located on rt. 30, one-quarter mile West of rt. 219, the Christian Community Church is nestled among seventeen charming acres near historic Boswell, Pa. Here sits the sanctuary, pavilion, a stocked fishing pond, and a camping area. The church was birthed in August of 1992. Since that time it has seen growth in many areas.

On Oct. 7, 2000 we dedicated our new Church facility. Ben Kinchlow (former co-host of the "700 Club") was our keynote speaker. The new church complex is complete with a lovely sanctuary, a car portico, lobbies, nursery, class rooms, conference room, kitchenette, baptistery, etc.

With phase one of the vision complete we advanced to stage 2 in 2009. That year we built our fellowship hall. It has seating for two-hundred and twenty-five, a stage area, full kitchen, restrooms, and a lovely “guest room.” On October 10, 2009 the new hall was dedicated with Russ Taff ministering for the special service. We are truly thankful for all the Lord has done and we humbly praise Him as the Lord God Almighty. We thank you for visiting our website

Our Lord gave the Great Commission to His Church to evangelize the world.

(Matthew 28:18-20)

Meet Our Pastor

Charles T. Kelly is the senior pastor of the Christian Community Church. He has served as a missionary to Bolivia and has worked with a prison ministry out of Ebensburg, Pa. He has also served as a Big Brother for the New Day program out of Johnstown, Pa. Currently, he has served as a pastor for forty-two years. He is a graduate of the Logos Bible Training Center, the Christian Life College of Theology, Mount Aloysius Junior College, and the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown where he received a Bachelor's Degree in Sociology. In May of 1999 he received his Master's of Arts Degree in Theology from Saint Vincent Seminary in Latrobe.

He is married to the former Margie Stoner of Geiger, Pa. She is president of Culligan Water Conditioning of Friedens, Pa. She also works with the music ministry at the Church, serves as treasurer, teaches a children's Sunday School Class and does a host of jobs within the ministry of the Christian Community Church. They have one daughter, Dr. Tracy Farone, who is a professor of Biology at Grove City College. She is married to Jason Farone, a school teacher, formerly of New Castle, Pa.

Pastor Kelly & Margie

Christian Community Church Staff

Youth/ Family Pastor – Sam Guidry

Pastor Sam Guidry was added to the Church staff in June of 2022. He is serving as the youth and family's pastor. Guidry has served as a youth group leader at Compelled Church in Temperance, Michigan. He has also served as spiritual care coordinator at Ohio Living Home Health and Hospice and worked at YES FM Ministries as radio network director of listener and community engagement. He has also served at Cherry Street Mission Ministries in Toledo, Ohio. He received his master's degree from Bowling Green University in December 2022. In 2020 Guidry released his first book, "The Hupomone Principle, Finding Freedom in Biblical Perseverance." Pastor Guidry is married to his wife, Allana. They have five children.
Youth/ Family Pastor – Sam Guidry


President, Pastor Charles Kelly
Vice President, Margie Kelly
Secretary, Dottie Walker
Treasurer, Diane Truscott
Barbara Krause, Rick Pyle, Jan Hoffman, Pastor Sam Guidry, Alanna Guidry, Ken Krumenaker, Debbie Krumenaker


Head deacon – Fred Truscott
Deacons - Greg Kimmel, Darren Little
Head Deaconesses - Tina Kenwick
Deaconesses - Patty Pyle, Ronda Kimmel, Jennifer Little, Sandy Albright, Brenda Wiencek
Music Directors: Tina Kenwick, Jennifer Little, Patty Pyle
Youth Advisors: Tina Kenwick, Asst. – Jennifer Little
Kids Club Coordinator (Wednesday evenings) – Sandy Schaublin
Head Usher: Fred Truscott
Assistant Ushers: Randy Schrock, Chris Schrock
Ushers – Mark Easterbrook, Mike Williams, Leon Kenwick, Greg Kimmel, Ken Krummenaker, Darren Little
Adult Sunday School teachers: Pastor Kelly, Pastor Guidry
Junior Church Coordinator: Brenda Wiencek
Sunday School and Junior Church teachers– Barbara Krause, Vicky Miller Sandy Schaublin, MaryAnn Harr, Bridget Monteith, Dick Monteith, Margie Kelly, Allana Guidry, Sami Guidry
Children's programs coordinator - Brenda Wiencek
Missions Coordinator: Diane Truscott
Prayer Chain Coordinator: MaryAnn Harr
Children's educational director – Barbara Krause
Counselor: Sandy Schaublin
Sound/Audio Technicians - Darren Little, Greg Little, Pastor Guidry
Nursery Supervisor – Patty Monteith Assistant – Mary Harr
Maintenance – Fred Truscott, Diane Truscott
Kitchen crew – Dottie Walker, Diane Truscott, Ladies Group, etc
Men's Fellowship Director – Ken Krumenaker
Ladies Fellowship Director– Debbie Krumenaker
Van Ministry – Tina Prosser, MaryAnn Harr, Jennifer Little
Security – Dick Monteith
Cleaning – Patty Monteith


Pastor Kelly-Guitar/Vocals
Margie Kelly - Piano
Sandy Albright – Keyboard/vocals
Tom Wiencek - Guitar/vocals
Darren Little – Guitar/vocals
Greg Little – Congos/Bongos
Rick Pyle – Saxophone
Rebecca Little – Flute/piano
Greg Kimmel – Vocals
Ronda Kimmel – Vocals
Tina Kenwick - Vocal
Jeniffer Little – Vocals
Patty Pyle – Vocals
Allana Guidry - Vocals
Bob Struhala - Drums
Diane Struhala - Vocals


Valentine’s Day Dinner in the fellowship hall.

Sunday, February 16, 12:45 p.m.

Christian Talent Night and Pizza party.

Friday, February 21, 6:30 p.m.

Movie and Pizza Party.

Friday, March 21, 6:30 p.m.

Men’s & Ladies Fellowship Dinner and Devotion.

Friday, March 28, 6:30 p.m.

A Doctrinal Statement of Faith of Christian Community Church

We believe:

The Bible is the infallible Revelation of God, and therefore is the only authoritative and binding rule of faith and practice.

(2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:19-21)

There is only one Living and True God, manifesting Himself in the Three Persons of the Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – equal in every perfection and executing distinct but harmonious offices in the great work of Redemption.

(Matthew 3:16-17; 2 Corinthians 13:14)

The Deity, Virgin Birth, Sinless Life, Substitutionary Death, Physical Resurrection, and Ascension of our Lord and Savior – that He is the very God and Creator of all things!

(Luke 1:26-35; 1 Peter 1:18-21; Luke 24:1-7; Colossians 1:12-17)

The universal sin of humankind can only be forgiven and cleansed by grace through faith in the shed blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

(Romans 3:9-26; Eph. 2:8-9)

In Salvation, only through Jesus Christ, by Believing in Jesus Christ with your heart and confessing the same with your mouth coupled with a determination to repent, to turn one's self around from sin, and follow Jesus Christ.

(John 3:16; Rom. 10:9-10; Acts 3:19)

In Water Baptism by Immersion, not as a means of salvation but as a voluntary act of faith and obedience by a believer in Jesus Christ, having first repented of sin.

(acts 2:38)

In participating in the partaking of Communion.

(1 Cor. 11:23-29)

In Sanctification and Holiness, as fruit of repentance, following a believer's commitment to Jesus Christ –setting apart from the world, and leading a holy life, under the Lordship of Jesus.

(Romans 12:1-2; 2 Cur. 7:1)

In the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

(Acts 2:1-4; Acts 19:1-6)

In the gifts of the Holy Spirit, including tongues, healing, prophesy, words of knowledge, words of wisdom, discerning of spirits, etc.

(1 Cor. 12:1, 7-11)

In Praise and Worship. Believers are encouraged to whole-heartedly express vocal praise and worship, unto and before the Lord, in corporate assembly, and also individually in private.

(Psalms 148, 149, 150)

Our Lord gave the Great Commission to His Church to evangelize the world.

(Matthew 28:18-20)

In the personal and imminent Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ – first to come for His saints at the rapture; then with them to rule and judge.

(Acts 1:9-11; 1 Thessalonians 4:1-17; Revelation 19:11-16)

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